Case Study

Here is how ISL achieved phenomenal brand engagement on Twitter with a suite of innovative experiences

Key results



The opportunity

With a 97% growth in TV ratings this year, the Hero Indian Super League is an emerging football league that has garnered a large viewership since its inception. This season, football fans across the country couldn’t make it to the final match of the Indian Super League that happened behind closed doors on 14th March but with Twitter, it was possible for the spectators at home to join in the triumph of the winning team. The Indian Super League teamed up with Twitter to create a perfect opportunity for a memorable celebration that would be remembered for years to come. Here’s how it panned out.


The strategy

The @IndSuperLeague launched a campaign on Twitter inspiring and encouraging people across the nation to showcase their love for their favourite teams for the finale between ATK FC and Chennaiyin FC

The #TrueLove campaign heightened the passion of football fans across the nation and also gave them a chance to take their stadium cheer, online.

We received an overwhelming response from fans across the country, as fans prepared for the finale, a compilation of tweets were shortlisted which included real-time game reactions along with player tweets to be printed on confetti.

In the finale that put everyone's nerves on the edge, ATK FC rose to be the champions and @IndSuperLeague along with Twitter gave the classic confetti celebration during the trophy-lifting ceremony a tweet makeover, showering the love of fans from far and wide. The shortlisted #TrueLove tweets were printed and showered down on the champions, making it a one-of-a-kind on-ground experience.

  • Case Study


Maecenas a eleifend eros.

Etiam euismod leo pulvinar, fermentum tortor quis, feugiat leo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Maecenas sollicitudin iaculis faucibus. Vivamus tincidunt sem a rutrum sollicitudin. Aliquam et nisi rutrum, pharetra nisi nec, ullamcorper quam. Suspendisse facilisis ultrices augue, ac auctor lectus. Proin ultrices euismod viverra.


Proin et blandit libero.

Integer mattis lorem vel blandit pharetra. Praesent posuere at diam sit amet efficitur. Phasellus tincidunt non tellus vel rhoncus. Sed mollis felis risus, vel blandit diam gravida at. Donec a vehicula magna, sit amet auctor mauris. Nunc quis lacinia velit. Vivamus vel consequat arcu, sagittis finibus est. Quisque eros turpis, fermentum eget ante ac, convallis efficitur nulla. Quisque sit amet ipsum dui.


Phasellus convallis massa lorem.

Etiam ipsum lacus, feugiat in accumsan ut, tincidunt eu eros. Nam molestie lorem nibh, mollis viverra ex pretium nec. Vivamus et magna nunc. Sed non efficitur diam, a lobortis leo. Nunc et leo erat. Maecenas sed quam ligula. Aliquam fermentum, sapien vel eleifend feugiat, leo arcu fringilla arcu, quis egestas dolor turpis non massa. Morbi porttitor felis non turpis consectetur rutrum.


The success

Nam euismod mauris at turpis lobortis egestas. Nullam lobortis elementum eros, eget ultricies velit scelerisque eget. Sed in sem lectus. Nam in feugiat nisi. Etiam sit amet neque leo. Ut vel condimentum enim, id laoreet enim. Nullam sed dolor vel augue cursus iaculis. Mauris massa erat, accumsan id facilisis ut, interdum eu magna. Donec sem leo, sodales sit amet congue sed, dapibus nec neque. Maecenas mollis ante quis metus sagittis, quis aliquam ipsum placerat. Sed viverra magna vitae felis egestas rutrum. Duis urna nunc, elementum nec leo sed, posuere elementum ligula. Etiam et bibendum nunc.

Praesent id leo sollicitudin, efficitur velit et, rutrum nulla. Proin accumsan tempor ligula, non imperdiet nisl semper eu. Aenean euismod lorem in eros suscipit auctor in ut ipsum. In egestas gravida fringilla. Curabitur condimentum lacinia lectus quis tristique. Nam sit amet nisl non tortor congue viverra. Sed convallis justo nisl, a tempus est cursus a. Nam porta tincidunt ligula, at euismod orci ultrices vel. Vivamus sed vestibulum leo, ut tincidunt ex.

Donec aliquet lectus id elit ornare tincidunt. In nec elit fermentum, commodo nunc vel, sagittis leo. Curabitur sodales quam vel tellus cursus rhoncus. Aliquam iaculis neque quis tincidunt pharetra. Fusce porttitor diam sit amet mi congue vestibulum.

Julias Caesar, Roman politician, general, and notable author of Latin prose

Solutions used

Creative canvas

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