Case Study
Malaysian telecom company builds buzz in budget-conscious youth market

Key results
points in consideration
port-in from competitors
The opportunity
U Mobile (@umobile) is a newcomer to the telecom industry in Malaysia. The company wanted to increase engagement with customers and create buzz around its brand. With a focus on the budget-conscious youth market, @umobile created the campaign #FreeInternetForLife.
The strategy
@umobile used Promoted Tweets and a Promoted Trend to kick off a teaser campaign that piqued interest in the brand among young Malaysians. The brand continued to build momentum by tailoring the campaign to specific audience segments and constantly engaged with the audience by using Promoted Tweets and free merchandise incentives during the four-day teaser campaign.
Make your content interactive.
@umobile Tweeted in both English and Malay to engage the target audience in conversations that could only have taken place on Twitter. The brand teased by asking what users would do with free internet for life, and people who participated in the discussions had a chance to win a free iPhone 6.
Use influencers to widen reach.
@umobile saw potential for audience growth among college students. To engage them, the brand reached out to celebrities such as @Shaheizy_Sam and @LiyanaJasmay, targeted college @usernames, such as @MSUmalaysia, @MonashUni and @SEGi_UC and keywords such as ‘orientation’ and ‘sem break’.
Engage potential customers in real time.
@umobile knew that its market craves immediate results and budget-friendly options. It drove interest with the Promoted Trend #FreeInternetForLife and offered a chance to win an iPhone 6. It also engaged with its three biggest competitors by carrier targeting, and challenged telecom industry standards.
The success
The success of the campaign garnered @umobile unprecedented growth and further opportunities for advancement. The brand’s consideration score grew by four points, the port-in number (users who migrated from other telecom companies to U Mobile) grew by 34 percent, and #FreeInternetForLife gained more than 60,000 mentions in four days. After the campaign, #FreeInternetForLife trended organically for an additional three days.
Twitter is a highly engaged platform. It helped us to reach the most relevant audience and it drove traffic and conversions for this campaign.

Solutions used
Audience targeting
You want your message to be heard by the right person. Let X’s targeting capabilities help.
Expanding reach
Reach your most valuable audience at scale when it matters most.