Case Study
Adidas achieves strong brand association by engaging Madrid Marathon runners

Key results
impressions delivered by the voting card
customised virtual T-shirts generated
The opportunity
Aware of the opportunity presented by the Madrid Marathon (@RNRmadmaraton), Adidas Spain (@adidas_ES) created a highly targeted and personalised solution around the hashtag #WHYIRUNMADRID. @adidas_ES knew that part of its audience were fans of such competitive events and that Twitter, with its real-time nature and its advanced targeting options, was a perfect way to reach them.
The strategy
@adidas_ES divided its campaign into two stages, using different creative formats before and after the race. During April 18–21, the brand launched a series of Tweets containing a voting card, asking runners for their reasons for taking part in the race. During the second stage, @adidas_ES launched a Promoted Tweet, including an auto-response offering runners the chance to get a personalised T-shirt. @adidas_ES enticed people to mention the brand and share why they deserved a finisher T-shirt, using the hashtag #WHYIRUNMADRID.
@adidas_ES used Twitter targeting solutions directed at two different audiences. The brand was able to target users following @RNRmadmaraton or Tweeting #WHYIRUNMADRID, as well as a second, broader audience of users following running accounts and living in Madrid.
Steps to success
1. Engage with your audience before and during the event.
@adidas_ES ran its campaign before and during the race to build awareness and keep the conversation around the brand alive. By using a clear call to action and attractive prizes, the brand used buzz generated before the event to achieve good results and maximise its presence during the race.
2. Capture user attention with attractive and engaging content.
@adidas_ES encouraged users to Tweet their reason to run the Madrid Marathon, offering a voting card with four options. It generated customised virtual shirts to those users Tweeting with the hashtag #WHYIRUNMADRID and mentioning the brand.
3. Target the right audience at the right time.
@adidas_ES was able to achieve a strong brand association with a running event, thanks to Twitter’s advanced targeting tools. Reaching such a specific target in the digital landscape can only be achieved through an accurate and planned strategy as well as products and formats that facilitate that goal. Throughout the campaign, @adidas_es saw 38.000 engagements and more than 5.000 mentions of the hashtag #WHYIRUNMADRID.
The success
@adidas_ES used keyword targeting to get its message in front of the right people. It targeted usernames related to running and marathons, such as @Running_es and @madridrunningco. Using tailored audiences, the brand also was able to personalise its message and reach those users who participated in the race.
Solutions used
Audience targeting
You want your message to be heard by the right person. Let X’s targeting capabilities help.
Creative Canvas
Brands are connecting with people on X in unique and creative ways. And so can you.