Case Study
How Mastercard connected with #FeminineArabic on Twitter
Key Results
Tweet impressions
Video Views
On June 2021, Twitter became the first social media platform to offer a new language setting Arabic (Feminine) that acknowledges and better supports the feminine form of the Arabic language. Mastercard (@MastercardMEA) saw this as a perfect opportunity to align its own inclusion narrative with the launch of #FeminineArabic and turned to Twitter to run a supportive and wide-reaching campaign across the MENA region.
The focus of this campaign was inclusion, with @MastercardMEA looking to build on the launch of the new language setting by promoting an environment of inclusive thinking through Twitter conversation.
Building on the foundations of its ‘Priceless’ proposition, @MastercardMEA launched a two-phased campaign, with a narrative crafted around inclusive messaging that not only appealed to a female audience but drove the message home across all audiences.
In the first phase, following Twitter’s announcement, Mastercard announced its pledge to support the #FeminineArabic initiative with an engaging animated Video Ad. To reach the widest possible audience and spread the message further, @MastercardMEA then launched a Trend Takeover in the UAE, taking top spot on Twitter’s Explore tab for 24 hours.
As momentum grew, @MastercardMEA sustained and amplified the conversation in the second phase by passing the mic to its audience, asking them to share stories of how the women in their lives have positively influenced them. A further Tweet generated even more conversation around the language itself, with users sharing their favourite words in the feminine form.
The campaign launch coincided with Mastercard’s Global Community Day to champion the narrative and engage with its audience on a topic that is close to their heart and top of mind.
Raise awareness
Mastercard announced its pledge to support #FeminineArabic with a Video Ad which was amplified by the deployment of a Trend Takeover in the UAE
Create engagement
Having raised awareness, @MastercardMEA then opened the conversation up to the audience, asking them to share their own personal stories of women in their lives.
The @MastercardMEA campaign saw a total of 19.8M impressions and more than 6.7M video views. Perhaps more importantly, the campaign kicked off a strong conversation, seeing over 300,000 engagements across both the UAE and KSA, with the audience contributing their own inspirational stories in celebration of the #FeminineArabic movement.
Mastercard has long championed diversity in our company and across the communities we operate in. We are proud to support Twitter MENA’s outstanding initiative in bringing diversity to the forefront of our social dialogue. The #FeminineArabic campaign has clearly resonated strongly with our audiences in the region – both women and men. Only by leaving no one behind, can we connect everyone to priceless possibilities.